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  • Is Somatic Breathwork for me?
    Somatic Breathwork is a modality that allows you to reconnect on a deep level with yourself and your body. The Somatic Breathwork Journey allows you to work through past experiences and the emotions and sensations connected to these experiences. The trauma informed focus invites you reconnect and feel so you can let go and move on from the past. This process resets the nervous system and re-establishes balance and health of body and mind. Somatic Breathwork is for anyone who is looking to heal body and mind and who is trying to find more grounding and peace within. There are certain health conditions that do not allow for a Somatic Breathwork Journey. Please check our contradiction section for more information.
  • What is Somatic Breathwork beneficial for?
    Somatic Breathwork is focused on trauma and nervous system healing. It uses the breath to move into the spaces in the body where we feel anxious, unsettled and where trauma resides. Somatic Breathwork is a highly transformative experience to release stress, tension and trauma from body to allow the nervous system to return back to balance. A balanced nervous system will allow you to reset anxiety and depression symptoms, improve sleep and energy levels and increase well-being.
  • How is a Somatic Breathwork Journey structured?
    The Somatic Breathwork Journey consists of a clear introduction of the breathwork techniques and what might show up for you during the session and a grounding practice followed by intention setting. The actual Somatic Breathwork Journey is structured into 2 phases. A cleansing phase and a repatterning phase with breath holds. In the cleansing phase we breathe in and out of the mouth to activate the nervous system so you can release stress, tension and trauma from the body. Followed by the repatterning phase to reset and calm the nervous system so body and mind can come back to balance. The breath holds are your time to go inward to see what needs to cleared out of the body and what has already shifted. The Somatic Breathwork Journey ends with a Sharing Circle to integrate and share what showed up during the transformative experience. All Somatic Breathwork Journeys include a 15-minute Follow-Up Call.
  • Are there certain health conditions (contradictions) that do not allow me to participate in a Somatic Breathwork Journey?
    Somatic Breathworkâ„¢ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illnesses, or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should have their inhaler available and consult with their physician(s). If you are looking to reset your nervous system, but you find that certain health conditions may not allow you to participate in Somatic Breathwork, pls get in touch so Jane can help you with alternative options serving you and your body.
  • Is the Somatic Breathwork Journey always an intense experience?
    The beautiful thing about Breathwork in general is that YOU are in control. You decide how deep you want to go. Our Somatic Breathwork Journeys are structured into 2 phases. A cleansing phase and a repatterning phase. The cleansing phase is the more intense phase where you will breathe in and out of mouth to activate your nervous system so you can release what is not serving you anymore. This is mainly the phase where emotional releases are taking place. In all phases of the journey you are in control by choosing the pace of your inhales and exhales. If it feels too much, breathe slower and you will naturally calm down your body. But always remember, it might feel very intense to have an emotional release, but the body can only work through trauma by expressing what was previously suppressed. Feeling our emotions allows the body to complete its response to a traumatic experience so we can move on from it. We heal through feeling.
  • I heard Breathwork can leave you feel overwhelmed and unsafe. What makes a Somatic Breathwork Journey different?
    Every Breathwork modality is structured differently and incorporates different breathing techniques. Somatic Breathwork is structured into 2 phases. A cleansing phase and a repattering phase. In the cleansing phase you will breathe in and out of the mouth to activate your nervous system and to allow the body to release. In the repatterning phase you breath in and out of nose to move the nervous system back to a balanced state and back to safety. Oftentimes, when breathwork modalities only incorporate activating breath, breathing in and out of the mouth, participants bring up a lot of trauma and clear out a lot but there is no phase to integrate and to move back to a balanced state. This can leave the body in shock of the changes and shifts it worked through and can leave you in a very triggered and vulnerable state that can cause overwhelm or actually traumatize or re-traumatize the body. During our repatterning phase we are making sure to bring your body back to a balanced state and that you have time in a safe space to integrate the changes you created in body and mind. We also always include a sharing circle after the experience so if there is something showing up for you after the session, we will only close the circle when you feel safe and ready to leave.
  • Group vs. One-on-One Breathwork Journeys. Which Journey is more effective?
    Both journeys are equally effective. Feel into what feels right for you. There is people who do not feel comfortable expressing strong emotions in a group setting. If you feel you might ONLY be able to express yourself fully in a one-on-one session, we would highly recommend you choose a one-on-one journey. The main goal of a Somatic Breathwork Journey is that you feel safe to be in your fullest expression so you can go deep, feel, release and heal. There is people who thrive in group settings. It helps some people to hear other people expressing their emotions and gives them permission to fully express themselves too. It is all personal preference and both journeys are equally powerful.
  • In-Person vs. Virtual Journeys. Which Journey is more effective?
    Both journeys are equally effective and are structured the same way. It is all personal preference. There are people who are able to go even deeper when they are able to practice breathwork from the comfort of their own home without distractions and with no one in their personal space. We know sometimes there is resistance to virtual sessions because it feels like there is too much distance between the guide and the client. But this is really not the case. Somatic Breathwork is an inward journey where you are guided into your inner world supported by music and your guide. It is a process you are working through on your own with your body and mind. Somatic Breathwork is an internal process of self-exploration and self-awareness to create powerful shifts internally that will change your life and heal body and mind. This makes in-person and virtually sessions equally powerful.
  • I am worried about expressing strong emotions. Will I always express strong emotions?
    Every journey is different. Every person response different. There are people who barely move and make no sound during the whole journey and they have highly transformative experiences. There is other people who work through anger, sadness, grief and pain in one session. It is always different. The main goal is to allow the body to express itself. This is how you allow the body to release unserving energy from the body and to complete trauma responses. It is not so much about how the body expresses itself more about if you allow it to do what it needs to do. Oftentimes, anger and sadness is very hard for people to feel and makes them feel very vulnerable. For your body it is not important if it expresses itself through anger and sadness. For your body is more important to move the energy behind the emotion through and to release it so you can come back to balance. So most of the time, if we allow us to feel anger and scream if we need to, we move within minutes through the emotion. It is our judgement and us suppressing our emotion that keeps the emotion in our body sometimes for years or decades. If you choose Somatic Breathwork as the powerful healing modality that it is, allow yourself to feel your emotion fully and it will transform your life in ways you cannot even imagine.
  • Is the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program for me?
    The 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program is designed to refuel and nourish, to rewire, balance and heal body and mind. Do you feel drained, unmotivated and have constantly low energy? Do you feel overwhelmed, anxious or depressed? Do you feel triggered, constantly stressed and burned out? Or do you seem to repeat the same relationship dynamics over and over? If the answer is yes, then our Mind-Body Healing program is for you. This program is meant to refuel body and mind so you feel safe and empowered to look at your beliefs and patterns and the cycles that keep you stuck, in a constant state of survival or leave you feel disempowered. The Mind-Body Healing Program allows you to reconnect to a deep sense of self, safety and trust in your yourself and replenishes and heals body and mind so you feel empowered to step into the life you desire without the ties of the past.
  • What is the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program beneficial for?
    The 4-Week Mind-Body Program is focused on nervous system regulation and mind-body healing. Nervous system dysregulation can show as dysregulation of the mind in the form of anxiety, restlessness, depression and low energy levels or dysregulation of the body in form of sleep disorders and autoimmune conditions or other on and off body symptoms and sensations. Regulating your nervous system is key to regulate, balance and heal body and mind. If you are looking for an effective and powerful program to heal your nervous system and restore health of body and mind, this program is for you.
  • What is the structure of the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program?
    The Mind-Body Healing Program is a 4-Week Program curated to reset the nervous system and to balance and heal body and mind. Every week you will have a virtual or in-person session with Jane and will learn to incorporate small guided routines on your own to support yourself in your healing journey. The structure of the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program 1. The first step is an introductory call to go over the program and to discuss your health goals. 2. The program starts with a Reiki session to refuel body and mind and an introduction into a daily breathwork practice to release tension and stress from the body and to help you establish a new baseline for grounding and inner peace. 3. The second week offers another reiki session to replenish the whole body with the energy needed to regenerate and heal and an introduction into Sound Healing. Sound Healing allows the body to move into a theta brainwave state, a state that activates the body's innate healing capacities and cultivates a deep sense of inner peace and relaxation that balances the nervous system and improves sleep quality. 4. The third week offers you a Somatic Breathwork Reset to start clearing out stress, tension and trauma on a deeper level from the body while you are still incorporating a daily breathwork practice and sound healing to create lasting changes in your body and nervous system. 5. The fourth week will build on your Somatic Breathwork Reset with a full Somatic Breathwork Journey. At this point your body is familar with the breathwork technique and feels safe enough to open up. This will allow you to go deep and work through experience with a new established sense of safety and trust as well as an empowered state to move on from the past. 6. After the 4-Week Program we will schedule a call for a Review to see how you are integrating the shifts you noticed and how you will continue your healing journey. This 4-week Program is designed to first replenish the body so it is ready to open up and create the internal shifts needed for healing and to establish daily practices that are easy to implement and not overly time consuming so they can remain part your daily routine and create lasting change and healing.
  • Are there certain health conditions (contradictions) that do not allow me to participate in the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program?
    The 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program is a holistic approach to healing and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy or medical care by a health care professional. Since we incorporate Somatic Breathwork in the program, the program is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illnesses, or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should join, please consult with your physician(s). Persons with asthma should have their inhaler available and consult with their physician(s). If you are looking to heal body and mind, but you find that certain health conditions may not allow you to participate in the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program, pls get in touch so Jane can help you with alternative options serving you and your body.
  • Is the 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program intense on body and mind?
    The program is designed to allow the body to slowly open up to transformation and healing. The 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program is structured into two phases: A replenishing and relaxation phase to balance body and mind and a cleansing and healing phase to rewire, heal and transform. A big part of the program is a focus on establishing a daily routine. The daily routine will create the safety needed to ease the body through repetition into a state of receptivity and transformation. The first two weeks are created to create more balance and body and mind. The last two weeks are designed to utilize the safety created to work through experiences that haven't been fully integrated yet or patterns that are not serving you. For this portion of the program we will still focus on creating a strong foundation through our daily practices and utilize the deeply transformative power of Somatic Breathwork to help you see through patterns, past experiences and fears that are holding you back from living the life you desire. The beautiful thing about Breathwork is that YOU are in control. You decide how deep you want to go. Our Somatic Breathwork Resets and Journeys are structured into 2 phases. A cleansing phase and a repatterning phase. The cleansing phase is the more intense phase where you will breathe in and out of mouth to activate your nervous system so you can release what is not serving you anymore. This is mainly the phase where emotional releases are taking place. In all phases of the journey you are in control by choosing the pace of your inhales and exhales. If it feels too much, breathe slower and you will naturally calm down your body. But always remember, it might feel very intense to have an emotional release, but the body can only work through trauma by expressing what was previously suppressed. Feeling our emotions allows the body to complete its response to a traumatic experience so we can move on from it. We heal through feeling. The repattering phase of the Somatic Breathwork Reset and Journey is meant to use the internal space created during the cleansing phase to connect to how you do want to feel, how you do want to show up for yourself and others and how you fearlessly and confidently step into the life you desire to live. For more info on the Somatic Breatwork Portion of the Program, please see the Somatic Breathwork tab of the FAQ page for more insights on what Somatic Breathwork is all about.
  • Is this program virtual or in-person only?
    The first two weeks of the program are virtual for all participants. If you reside in the Pittsburgh area, we offer limited spots for all sessions to be in-person. Please contact Jane before you book regarding availability if you are interested in this option. The last two weeks are in-person if you reside in the Pittsburgh area and virtual for all other participants.


Book your Discovery Call today to see if Somatic Breathwork or our 4-Week Mind-Body Healing Program is for you. We would love to keep in touch! Follow us on Instagram for daily inspirations on mind-body healing and to be the first to know about our upcoming transformative wellness experiences.


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